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Friday, October 2, 2015

From Syria To Asia To Russia – Terror Network Organized By NATO And Turkey

UN Grey WolvesBrandon Turbeville
October 1, 2015

Uyghur Terror Networks Span Continents, Have Root In Turkey and NATO.

With the possible entrance of China into the Syrian crisis, a spate of recent articles has appeared in various media outlets discussing the importance of Uyghur terrorism in China and the effect those acts may have on its decision whether or not to truly commit troops or other means of assistance to the Syrian government. These discussions, however, have typically been superfluous and tangential, rarely attributing the importance of the connections between the Syrian crisis and the Xinjang Uyghur separatist movement.

While many might suspect at first glance that the two crises are unrelated, the fact is that the same powers that control the savages raping and beheading their way across Syria also control the Uyghur “separatists” wreaking havoc in Xinjang China.

Indeed, Uyghur terrorists have been playing an increasingly large role in Syria. Aside from fighting in and alongside terrorists from other locations, Uyghurs have also fought in their own Uyghur brigades.

The Settler Issue

Jisr al-Shughour, a town located in Idlib province in Syria and about twelve miles away from the border with Turkey, has been the scene of at least two massacres by Western-backed terrorists – one in 2011 and the other occurring this year in 2015. In the second massacre, most of the killers were Chechen. However, after the massacre of the indigenous Syrians took place, hundreds of Uyghur families were moved in to “resettle” the town. As Afraa Dagher, a political analyst from Syria wrote,

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Are Americans And Britons Being Prepped For A Military Coup?

military on streetBrandon Turbeville
Activist Post
September 20, 2015

A recent poll conducted by YouGov revealed that a sizeable portion of the American public is open to the idea of a military coup in the United States. The poll was conducted amid the continual polling that takes place during the U.S. Presidential election yet it did not focus on the elections per se, but the potential lack of elections in the future.

The YouGov poll surveyed 1,000 people online and determined that 29% of Americans, over a quarter of the population, could imagine supporting a military coup against the civilian government. Only 41% could not imagine supporting a coup.

The numbers supporting a potential coup were highest among Republicans with 43% of them saying they could envision supporting a coup, 29% of independents followed, with Democrats trailing at 20%.

The numbers apparently increased in support when the question asked “whether they would hypothetically support the military stepping in to take control from a civilian government which is beginning to violate the constitution.”

Critics of the polls have suggested that the method used to conduct the survey was largely unscientific and not a reasonable representation of an accurate sampling of the general American public.

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - September 28, 2015

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - September 28, 2015

Brandon discusses the new Japan security bills and return to imperialism of the Japanese state, the Syrian Crisis, Russia, China, and the potential for conflict between the world's major powers in Syria.



Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Displacement of Syrians For Uyghur Terrorists?

image source
Afraa Dagher
September 28, 2015

In 1948, during the Nakba, or Palestinian Exodus, the Palestinian tragedy began in earnest. Palestinian Refugees were spread out all over the world but most were divided between Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Today there is another tragedy of displacement – Syria. Since 2011, the year of the color revolution and destabilization, engineered and designed by Israel and the West, Syrian society and the population as a whole has been torn apart.

For instance, Jisr al-Shoghour, a town located in Idlib province and about twelve miles from the Turkish border, was the scene of a horrible massacre. Here, the so-called peaceful protesters attacked a Syrian military security checkpoint. Soldiers were beheaded, many of them struck on the head with an axe, their bodies so badly damaged, a DNA test was necessary to determine who they actually were.

Our government organized a tour to a mass grave of Syrian soldiers who had been killed by foreign-backed “rebels,” including Uighurs, in Jisr al-Shoghour that was attended by a number of foreign diplomats. One of the attendees was former US Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford.

Another location, Ishtebraq, a rural area also located in Idlib, witnessed two massacres against its residents. The first one was in 2011. The second was in 2015.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Does Russia-U.S. Tension in Syria Foreshadow Military Confrontation?

russiaamericaBrandon Turbeville
Activist Post
September 20, 2015

More than an at any other time in the Syrian crisis, the situation on the ground presents an incredible threat to international peace and security. Indeed, the Western-backed plot to overthrow the secular government of Bashar al-Assad has now placed the world in a precarious position where two nuclear powers are acting in such close proximity to one another militarily that one trigger happy soldier could now plunge the globe into a nuclear holocaust.

If the general public of Russia and the West are not aware of the dangers of further meddling in the Middle East by the United States and NATO, the state actors of the two sides are clearly aware of the potential ramifications. Of course, it cannot go without mentioning that the entire confrontation now taking place in Syria between the United States, NATO, and Russia is entirely the making of the West since it was NATO and the U.S. that created the crisis to begin with.

As the military chess pieces continue to be set across the world, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has already stated that the United States should engage in bi-lateral military-to-military communication with Russia over military operations in Syria in order to avoid “unintended incidents.”

While Lavrov did not spell out exactly what he meant by “unintended incidents,” his meaning was clear – “unintended incidents” are a direct military confrontation between the United States/NATO and Russian forces.

Is China Sending Troops To Syria?

chinese transportBrandon Turbeville
Activist Post
September 20, 2015

The situation is heating up in Syria yet again. If reports coming from Almasdar News are accurate, another troop deployment will soon be about to take place – in addition to the 2,000 Russian troops who arrived earlier this week. This time, however, the troops are coming from China.

On September 23, Leith Fadel of Almasdar news (the Arab Source), reported that China has now decided to commit troops and military aircraft to Syria within the next six weeks. Although the reports have not been independently confirmed, the outlet cited a senior Syrian officer in the Syrian military for the claims regarding the Chinese plans. Fadel’s information has proven accurate many times in the past.

Fadel writes,

On Tuesday morning, a Chinese naval vessel reportedly traveled through Egypt’s Suez Canal to enter the Mediterranean Sea; its destination was not confirmed.

However, according to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) that is stationed inside the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, Chinese military personnel and aerial assets are scheduled to arrive in the coming weeks (6 weeks) to the port-city of Tartous – he could not provide anymore detail.

Russia has made it abundantly clear that they are taking an active role in this conflict, but the news of the Chinese military to Syria provides more insight into their contingency.

U.S.-Backed Jihadists Falter; Liberation Imminent For Palmyra?

Syria PeaceBrandon Turbeville
Activist Post
September 24, 2015

Over the past week, things haven’t been going as well as they normally do for the Western-backed terrorists who have raped and beheaded their way across Syria for the last four years. Likewise, the Western plot to overthrow Assad and replace him with chaos and a weak jihadist/impotent government over four years ago has gone from a quagmire to the beginnings of a reversal.

One such example of how the resistance of the Syrian people and the Assad government, the assistance of the Iranians and Hezbollah, and, of course, the new Russian involvement is already beginning to produce results is the report that the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division has captured the Palmyra-Teefor Airbase Road.

The SAA victory came with close coordination between Hezbollah, National Defense Forces, and Ba’ath Battalions.

According to Leith Fadel of Syrian Perspective and Almasdar news, sources have reported that the SAA now controls the entirety of the road from the outskirts of Palmyra all the way to the Teefor (t-4) Airbase. Teefor had been under attack from jihadists for over two months but such attacks were successfully repelled by the SAA forces stationed at the base.

The SAA and Lebanese Resistance forces are now positioned just on the outskirts of Palmyra after having been successful at seizing the hilltop at Tal Syria Tel, west of Palmyra and also at the Western outskirts of the Qassioun Mountains.